Latest Bitcoin News

Bitcoin Independence Day 2023
Events 15 November 2023

Happy Bitcoin Independence Day 2023!

Bitcoin Independence Day marks the day when BSV developers and those who believe in unbounded, infinitely scalable Bitcoin began the long and laborious journey of restoring Bitcoin.

Bitcoin White Paper banner
Editorial 31 October 2023

Bitcoin White Paper Day: #15

As we observe this 15-year mark of the Bitcoin white paper, we must remain attuned to the need for continued innovation and vigilance against the forces of obfuscation and centralization in the space.

Birthday of Satoshi Nakamoto
Events 23 October 2023

Happy Birthday, Satoshi!

Happy Birthday, Dr. Craig Wright! Thank you for inventing Bitcoin and for fighting tooth and nail to ensure the forces of darkness could not kill it.

copyright claim over Bitcoin file format
Business 14 July 2023

UK Court of Appeal hears copyright claim over Bitcoin file format

Dr. Craig Wright originally brought claims against the BTC partnership, including its developers and major industry players on three grounds: infringement of Dr. Wright’s database rights over the Bitcoin database, copyright infringement of the Bitcoin white paper and copyright infringement of the Bitcoin file format.