Latest Bitcoin wallet News

James Belding on CoinGeek Conversations
Interviews 3 August 2023

James Belding: Tokenized was built with blood, sweat and tears

A “self-custodial and enterprise-grade digital wallet …for issuing, managing and holding digital assets including Bitcoin SV,” Tokenized boasts an elegant interface, an easy sign up process and an impressive range of functions, CEO James Belding tells CoinGeek Conversations.

Gold bitcoin inside a brown leather wallet
Business 6 April 2023

Social recovery wallets on Bitcoin

While digital assets can be recovered, implementing an extra layer of protection is still the best solution to prevent losses, and social recovery smart contracts are the way to do it.

Paper content creation applicarion
Business 28 March 2023

Start monetizing your content with Paper

One does not have to be a writer to earn with Paper, as curators can earn as well. If curators share an article and customers unlock the content via their link, they earn 5% of the payment real-time.