Latest Bitcoin SV News

Majority of Bitcoin BCH miners support Bitcoin SV
Tech 12 November 2018

Majority of Bitcoin BCH miners support Bitcoin SV

The upcoming hard fork for the Bitcoin BCH network has become one of the hottest topics on social media sites with a persistence divide between those that support Bitcoin SV and Bitcoin ABC into creating a viable digital currency.

nChain releases statement on protocol upgrade and hash war
Press Releases 6 November 2018

nChain releases statement on protocol upgrade and hash war

nChain has released a public notice intended for cryptocurrency exchanges and bitcoin cash wallet operators. The company is offering its recommendation on how these companies should handle the hash war and the potential of a BCH split.

CoinGeek Week Conference to feature a day for miners
Events 29 October 2018

CoinGeek Week Conference kicks off with Miners Day

The CoinGeek Week Conference Miners Day will include activities designed to help miners better understand how mining is evolving and will discuss several of the popular advancements in the Bitcoin BCH community