Latest Bitcoin SV News

Blockchain graphics
Tech 20 November 2023

On-chain limit orders using covenants

sCrypt has developed limit orders on chain and it is based on a type of smart contract called covenants, where an output can be spent only if the transaction that spends it meets specific criteria.

Bitcoin Independence Day 2023
Events 15 November 2023

Happy Bitcoin Independence Day 2023!

Bitcoin Independence Day marks the day when BSV developers and those who believe in unbounded, infinitely scalable Bitcoin began the long and laborious journey of restoring Bitcoin.

Jack Liu interview with Joshua Henslee
Business 13 November 2023

Is BSV flipping BTC locked in?

Bitcoin thought leader Joshua Henslee interviewed RelayX Founder Jack Liu and discussed hyperbitcoinization, the recent developments on the BSV blockchain, Hodlocker, and much more.