Vol 30.83m
Vol 51053.72m
Vol 407.19m
Vol 920m
Vol 6644.93m

Bitcoin holiday

The first Bitcoin transaction: 15 years later
12 January, 2024

The first Bitcoin transaction: 15 years later

Fifteen years ago, the first Bitcoin transaction was recorded on chain, opening the world to the endless possibilities of an...
Bitcoin’s Genesis Block constructed 15 years ago today!
3 January, 2024

Bitcoin’s Genesis Block constructed 15 years ago today!

The Genesis Block anniversary serves as a reminder of the history of the peer-to-peer electronic cash system and Satoshi's vision...
14 years since the first Bitcoin transaction: Peer-to-peer electronic cash lives on
12 January, 2023

14 years since the first Bitcoin transaction: Peer-to-peer electronic cash lives on

Contrary to popular belief, renowned cryptographer Hal Finney was not the inventor of Bitcoin but rather the person who helped...
14 years since Genesis Block: The world still needs Bitcoin’s original vision
3 January, 2023

14 years since Genesis Block: The world still needs Bitcoin’s original vision

The Genesis Block was never "mined" like every other Bitcoin block; that started with Block #1 when Satoshi Nakamoto released...
Hash war revisited
15 November, 2022

Hash war revisited

The story of the BSV/BCH hash war is a brutal chapter in Bitcoin, and it laid the groundwork for much...
Bitcoin white paper day—Thanks again, Satoshi!
31 October, 2022

Bitcoin white paper day—Thanks again, Satoshi!

Fourteen years after Satoshi released the Bitcoin white paper, few understand it—most Bitcoin advocates have abandoned the idea of a...