Latest Tech News

Blockchain graphics
Tech 20 November 2023

On-chain limit orders using covenants

sCrypt has developed limit orders on chain and it is based on a type of smart contract called covenants, where an output can be spent only if the transaction that spends it meets specific criteria.

hodlnet logo with search bar
Tech 2 November 2023

Enter the hodlnet

With the launch of, a search engine that could surpass Google and Bing, users are treated to any on-chain content that has or had any locked amount of satoshis against it.

Relay Club 2.0 NFTs
Tech 1 November 2023

Relay Club 2.0 launches

With Relay Club 2.0 out in the market, users can now add any amount of BSV to an active NFT listing on RelayX with an additional locking feature against listing orders on-chain.

A key icon represents digital security, unlocking technology, or business opportunity
Tech 30 October 2023

Homomorphic encryption on Bitcoin

To ensure data on the blockchain remains confidential and secure, sCrypt employs homomorphic encryption, which allowis computations to be performed on encrypted data without decrypting it.