Introducing Solidity to sCrypt transpiler: Run Ethereum smart contracts on Bitcoin
The transpiler facilitates developers to migrate their applications onto the Bitcoin network from Ethereum and other Solidity/EVM-compatible blockchains without writing...
Bilinear pairings on Bitcoin—Pairing-based cryptography: Part 1
In this article, sCrypt demonstrates how pairings can be implemented directly on Bitcoin and thus enable all kinds of pairing-based...
‘Blockchain provides honest architecture’: BSV Blockchain’s Bryan Daugherty joins The Food Institute’s Proof of ESG panel
There is no holistic framework to tackle ESG, which makes it difficult to quantify progress since there are not many...
Kenya’s largest power producer lures block reward miners with geothermal energy
KenGen PLC is luring miners with cheap geothermal energy and claims it has already been approached by a number of...
Ethereum Solidity developers can save gas fees with new transpiler tool
The Bitcoin Association introduced a new Smart Contract Transpiler. The tool allows developers to easily translate code from Ethereum's Solidity...
Get that ‘first Bitcoin experience’ with BitcoinSV.com’s live demos
The best way to convince people of Bitcoin's abilities is to use it yourself. The Bitcoin Association understands this, and...
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