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Dan Held almost gets Satoshi's Vision correct
Editorial 16 January 2019

Dan Held almost gets Satoshi’s Vision correct

Dan Held may be a notable cryptocurrency veteran and a former executive with, but several recent Twitter posts offering his take on digital currencies and, in particular, the interpretation of the original Satoshi’s Vision miss the mark.

For original Bitcoin SV – 2019 is all about scaling
Editorial 27 December 2018

For original Bitcoin SV – 2019 is all about scaling

The anti-scaling forces who were in the Bitcoin world have carved themselves away from Bitcoin and have their own altcoin, which no longer has the original Bitcoin economic model. Now that this has happened, Bitcoin SV is clear to massively scale in 2019, while still keeping the original Bitcoin base protocol stable.

Why fiat pundits don’t have a case against crypto
Editorial 18 December 2018

Why fiat pundits don’t have a case against crypto

When fiat pundits try to argue that cryptocurrency has no place in the economic world, they seem to forget the difficulty that currencies have experienced in evolving to where they are today.

Growing pains of a new technology
Editorial 10 December 2018

Growing pains of a new technology

In the world of crypto, as with the early Internet, it’s not yet clear what application will turn a technology with great potential into one that’s a part of everyone’s daily lives.

Exchanges need to delist ABC Coin immediately!
Editorial 8 December 2018

Exchanges need to delist ABC Coin immediately!

In light of the mess made of the November 15 Bitcoin Cash upgrade and the billions of dollars knocked out of the overall cryptomarket as a result of Bitcoin ABC's reckless behaviour, we're asking cryptocurrency exchanges to delist Bitcoin ABC until they implement replay protections on their chain.

Crypto crash creating credibility, not chaos
Editorial 4 December 2018

Crypto crash creating credibility, not chaos

The cryptocurrency sell-off has a number of investors singing the blues. More than a handful of individuals bought into crypto following Bitcoin Core’s (BTC) massive price gains last year, expecting to see the same explosive growth in 2018.

Crypto’s future appears to be headed east
Editorial 26 November 2018

Crypto’s future appears to be headed east

The twentieth installment in a weekly column, A Power of Facing analyzes the growing influence of freer markets on China, and how crypto’s future might very well be forming in East.

Original Bitcoin will live on as Bitcoin SV (BSV)
Editorial 23 November 2018

Original Bitcoin will live on as Bitcoin SV (BSV)

From where CoinGeek sits right now, us permanently splitting the chains by ABC enacting replay protection will give both sides a WIN. Bitcoin will live on with Bitcoin SV and will finally have a chance to show off the true power of the original economic model.

When Bitcoin ceases to be Bitcoin (the 2nd death)
Editorial 23 November 2018

When Bitcoin ceases to be Bitcoin (the 2nd death)

ABC is currently open to being maliciously hard forked. If an attacker controls more than 50% of the processing power driving the ABC blockchain, they can submit a set of 10 blocks to the network by reorganizing the ten honest blocks.