Latest Twetch News

Open Protocol banner on CoinGeek
Editorial 11 June 2024

Open protocols manifested

With every technological advancement comes change, and while some applications have to wind down to prepare for this transformation, some rise to continue the ethos of blockchain—decentralization.

bitsurf logo on technology background
Business 4 May 2023

BitSurf: A revolutionary social media platform

BitSurf is making waves as it relaunched as an independent social network, bringing unique features that allow users to create interactive content and grow the community.

Paper content creation applicarion
Business 28 March 2023

Start monetizing your content with Paper

One does not have to be a writer to earn with Paper, as curators can earn as well. If curators share an article and customers unlock the content via their link, they earn 5% of the payment real-time.

Kurt Wackert Jr., Ordinals
Editorial 6 February 2023

Inordinate Ordinals for ordinary Bitcoiners

Twetch came out with a bunch of tooling within 48 hours of the public explosion of Ordinals NFTs and launched a mint of 69 “Planetary Ordinals” to kick off the party.

mrcossack, Power Users of BSV
Interviews 9 January 2023

Power Users of Bitcoin – mrkozak

In this series finale, Joshua Henslee gets an exclusive interview with BSV user mrkozak, who openly shares his experience using the tech, how it can be improved, and his interest in RPG.