New 1.25GB, 2GB record blocks prove BSV’s economic model
The thing that makes block 700597 special is, it's the first Bitcoin block to earn its processor a higher return...
New world record 1 gigabyte blocks mined on the Bitcoin SV blockchain
That world record block is the second time that the record has been broken in quick succession, following a block...
Behold the gigablock: Soft cap increase sees BSV blocks approach 1GB
The record-sized block in question today was #699097, processed on August 6, 2021, at 4:04 a.m. UTC by an unknown...
Warning: Scam site mimicking SVPool.com
Warning: Scam Site mimicking SVPool.com
Joe Chin on why miners should join SVPool: Like Bitcoin SV, we place miners first
Joe Chin on why miners should join SVPool: Like Bitcoin SV, we place miners first
Dr. Craig Wright explains why Bitcoin needs to be stable
Dr. Craig Wright explains why Bitcoin needs to be stable
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