Latest stablecoins News

New regulations for Venezulan crypto scene amid civil strife
Business 5 February 2019

New regulations for Venezuela crypto scene amid civil strife

Venezula has revealed new requirements for exchange platforms and miners. Those businesses will now have to register with a superintend body of crypto-related activities, named Sunacrip, and adhere to new regulations.

Venezuela wants OPEC to accept the Petro as a unit of measurement for oil
Business 13 November 2018

Venezuela pushes for Petro as unit of measurement for oil

Despite not having a stable economy upon which to build its national cryptocurrency, it is working diligently to have Petro seen as a viable cryptocurrency – although most indications are that it will never truly get off the ground.

Russia Duma said to be considering launching stablecoin
Business 5 November 2018

Russia Duma said to be considering launching stablecoin

According to Russian media outlet, the state Duma’s Committee on Financial Markets announced that it is discussing creating a ruble-backed stablecoin in response to an increase in household debt.

Stablecoins are not cryptocurrencies, Japan’s FSA confirms
Business 31 October 2018

Stablecoins are not cryptocurrencies, Japan’s FSA confirms

The Financial Services Agency (FSA) has said that stablecoins are not virtual currencies under the definition provided in the Payment Services Act, in a statement that could have profound effects on how stablecoins are regulated in Japan.