20 December, 2022
Open Social Protocols discussed on CoinGeek Roundtable with Joshua Henslee
CoinGeek Roundtable is back with Joshua Henslee discussing open social protocols on Bitcoin with TonicPow's Luke Rohenaz, VXPASS' Zach Weiner,...
6 January, 2022
Honā founder George Siosi Samuels talks journey of reaching goals with CoinGeek Backstage
George Siosi Samuels joined CoinGeek Backstage to discuss about Honā, their vision with the platform, and their latest partnership with...
4 November, 2021
CoinGeek New York 2021: Accountability and micropayments with Honā
Day 2 of the CoinGeek’s New York conference saw George Siosi Samuels take the stage to showcase the features and...
17 August, 2021
Where community meets accountability: The Bitcoin Bridge talks to George Siosi Samuels of Honā
This week The Bitcoin Bridge speaks to Honā’s founder George Siosi Samuels about the new social accountability app, and how...
12 June, 2021
CoinGeek Zurich: What is the impact of blockchain on BizTech?
Founding President of Bitcoin Association Jimmy Nguyen chaired the panel discussion on BizTech on Blockchain, live from the CoinGeek Conference...
21 April, 2021
Bitstocks podcast delves into ‘re-emerging Atlantean times and cosmic memory’ with George Samuels
Faiā Managing Director and Honā founder George Siosi Samuels was the latest guest on Bitstocks podcast episode 42, titled “Bitcoin:...