16 November, 2023
US securities, commodities regulators took the fight to ‘crypto’ crooks in 2023
U.S. regulators made their stance about 'crypto' clear, with the SEC taking 784 enforcement actions against 'crypto' firms and individuals...
8 August, 2023
HEX is dead—will it go down as the largest Ponzi scheme in digital currency history?
Richard Heart is getting a taste of justice as he faces charges tied to alleged sham offerings—actions that have been...
1 August, 2023
SEC charges HEX founder Richard Heart with fraud
Hex founder Richard Heart faces fraud charges relating to his Hex entities offering unregistered securities and over ill-gotten wealth that...
13 March, 2023
HEXicans beware—Richard Heart scrambles to delete tweets as SEC closes in
The projects, which Richard Heart promised would revolutionize the industry, were crowdfunded by more than $1 billion in funds in...
10 March, 2023
Hexicans panic as Richard Heart’s social media ditches HEX
Heart’s social media cleanup strongly suggests that he just recently realized that simply repeating that ‘HEX isn’t a security’ isn’t...
10 January, 2023
Richard Heart’s HEX token plummets amid more Ponzi allegations, SEC investigation
The Hex token barely broke above 1 cent between its launch at the end of 2019 and mid-2021, but then...
Viewing 7-12 out of 16 articles