Latest hack News

Zaif crypto exchange completes transfer to buyer Fisco
Business 23 November 2018

Zaif crypto exchange completes transfer to buyer Fisco

Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Zaif has completed the handover of its business to Fisco Cryptocurrency Exchange, just a matter of weeks after the company was hacked resulting in losses in excess of $60 million.

South Korea arrests five over crypto malware that infected more than 6K computers
Tech 9 November 2018

South Korea arrests five over crypto malware

The South Korean National Police Agency’s Cyber Bureau, in conjunction with local police, have arrested five cyber punks who were behind a hacking effort that targeted well over 6,000 computers.

The Coincheck crypto exchange has lost $5 million this quarter
Business 30 October 2018

Coincheck crypto exchange loses $5 million in Q3

Between July and September, Monex Group’s cryptocurrency business, which is entirely comprised of the Coincheck exchange, took in around $2.8 million. This is a 66% decline over what it reported for the previous quarter, which was approximately $8.4 million.