Bitcoin enters the picture: Bitstocks podcast with Craig Wright returns for part 2
The audience spoke very highly of part one and now part two of the Bitstocks podcast episode 45 with Dr....
Cøbra misses deadline to respond to Craig Wright’s IP lawsuit
The deadline for Cøbra to respond to Dr. Craig Wright’s white paper lawsuit has officially passed, with Cøbra apparently deciding...
What’s up with Cøbra?
Cøbra’s support for BTC makes his desire to continue to host the white paper on Bitcoin.org all the more curious,...
UK court grants Dr. Craig Wright permission to serve Cøbra
The law firm representing Dr. Craig Wright, has announced that it is has been granted permission to serve bitcoin.org operator...
COPA vs Craig Wright: What the market thinks
The price of Bitcoin SV has been rapidly rising, and it’s no coincidence that the price rise began on the...
Open source does not mean what you think it means
The Bitcoin community in particular has fetishized the concept open-source to the extent that it has become nearly inseparable from...
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