Latest Bitcoin SV News

More Companies Choose Bitcoin SV
Press Releases 22 November 2018

More companies choose Bitcoin SV

As the dust settles on the first ever Bitcoin hash war, what is becoming clear is, businesses believe in the original Satoshi Vision for Bitcoin.

I have a plan to end the world’s first Bitcoin hash “election”
Editorial 20 November 2018

I have a plan to end the world’s first Bitcoin hash “election”

We have not yet seen Nakamoto Consensus in true action as it was ruined by a market manipulation last week during the BCH hash vote. Bitmain and should not be rewarded by the exchanges for cheating, and should not get the BCH infrastructure.

Exchanges selling BCHABC could be conducting fraud
Editorial 20 November 2018

Exchanges selling BCHABC could be conducting fraud

After last week's Bitcoin BCH hard fork, two cryptocurrencies were launched – BCHABC and BCHSV. There's one that has potential to be considered a fraudulent pump-and-dump scheme.

Support for Bitcoin SV growing
Business 20 November 2018

Support for Bitcoin SV growing

Firms in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space have come out in support of Bitcoin SV, in light of the recent Bitcoin Cash hard fork.

Remitano, major exchanges opt for ‘responsible’ route in Bitcoin BCH hash war
Business 19 November 2018

Remitano, major exchanges opt for ‘responsible’ route in Bitcoin BCH hash war

Unlike other platforms that have prematurely given the BCH ticker to ABC after it took a temporary early lead, thanks to an artificial burst from “rented” hash power subsidized by Roger Ver’s and from Bitmain Technologies, Remitano opted for the “responsible” route—that of the Bitcoin way.