Bitcoin Core
Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 is finally released with full Segwit support
Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 is finally released with full Segwit support.
Core Dev Peter Todd admits Lightning Network has issues
Core Dev Peter Todd admits Lightning Network has issues
Lightning Network can’t scale, needs another layer
Devs propose yet another layer to save the legacy chain. Correction: Jameson Lopp’s analysis of the Lightning Network were incorrectly
Legacy chain BTC transaction fees reached a record-breaking $200,000 for one block
If a collapse happens, HODLers will be pitted against each other in an expensive bidding war to get out. User
Did Satoshi Nakamoto want Side-chains for Bitcoin?
A week ago, I found someone online spouting that Satoshi encouraged side-chains and lightning network. Anyone who has been around
Core Developer’s DragonMint 16T aims to overthrow Bitmain’s mining empire
The war has spilled over to the mining hardware arena. But will the DragonMint live up to its claims? The
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