Bitcoin solves this: A response to the Bitcoin and US National Security report
The report says that BTC can solve the economic and security issues in the U.S. because of the Russia/Ukraine conflict...
Joshua Henslee covers implications of CBDCs and inflation in latest video
BSV developer Joshua Henslee is back with another video covering the larger implications of digital currencies, CBDCs, inflation, and much...
Japan to revise digital asset exchange laws to plug Russia’s sanction evasion loophole
Top government officials have pledged to revise the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act to ensure Russia doesn’t get a...
BTC tries new ‘Sanction Evader’ narrative, fails miserably (again)
BTC maxis desperate to prove their utility-free token has some functional purpose should tread carefully before promoting it as a...
Ukraine donations by Crypto Bros: Self-interested speculation or selfless support?
The digital currency community is actively promoting its response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, despite suggestions that this response may...
Crypto bros’ self-serving response to Russia’s war
The “crypto bros” self-serving response to Russia’s war on Ukraine is providing all the ammunition regulators need to bring the...
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