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Bitcoin Server Network or ‘Teranode’ to handle enterprise level applications
20 February, 2020

Bitcoin Server Network or ‘Teranode’ to handle enterprise level applications

Teranode is nChain's version of the Bitcoin protocol aimed at enterprise-scale applications, on networks that process massive amounts of data.
Blockchain in space: Hypervine to partner with ESA to digitize data
20 February, 2020

Blockchain in space: Hypervine to partner with ESA to digitize data

Hypervine blockchain startup has partnered with European Space Agency to bring blockchain satellite technology to mining, increasing the levels of...
Bitstagram gets even better as all data size limits are removed
19 February, 2020

Bitstagram gets even better as all data size limits are removed

Bitstagram developer unwriter decides to open the platform after Bitcoin SV’s Genesis upgrade.
India is working on a blockchain-based voting system: Report
19 February, 2020

India is working on a blockchain-based voting system: Report

450 million people in India have migrated from their registered polling booths and the government is seeking to cater to...
nChain releases Nakasendo with added C++ and Python support
17 February, 2020

nChain releases Nakasendo with added C++ and Python support

Developers and Enterprises are getting more options with how they work with Threshold Signatures.
This week in tech: More countries implement positive regulations
16 February, 2020

This week in tech: More countries implement positive regulations

As more industries continue to adopt blockchain and cryptos, authorities are striving to keep up with Belgium, Germany, Japan and...