What about the good stuff he did?
Changpeng Zhao wasn't the leader of a resistance, he made his fortune laundering blood money for terrorist groups and operating...
Free the data!
Social media CEOs from tech giants like Twitter and Facebook were able to build some of the greatest wealth (and...
Bitcoin must have utility before it can become anything
BTC’s ‘consumption of energy’ has no objective foundation; it is not the consumption of energy that determines the price, but...
History is written by those who’ve hanged heroes
The popular conception of Bitcoin suffers from a narrative equally mired in misinformation, half-truths, and selective amnesia, and if we...
How BSV blockchain microtransactions rejuvenates tipping artists, creators and performers worldwide
With the evolution of technology comes the transformation of how the world processes payments, and artists and content creators have...
Bitcoin White Paper Day: #15
As we observe this 15-year mark of the Bitcoin white paper, we must remain attuned to the need for continued...
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