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Zaif hack victims still haven't been paid
Business 5 October 2018

Zaif hack victims still haven’t been paid

Three weeks after the hack happened, the clients of Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Zaif are still waiting for their money – even though it has allegedly already made arrangements to have the funds available.

ICOs sold off most ETH holdings for profit, research claims
Business 3 October 2018

ICOs sold off most ETH holdings for profit, research claims

Contrary to popular belief, many initial coin offerings (ICOs) had the foresight to sell their Ethereum (ETH) and profit off their holdings before the price of the coin fell, according to a new report by BitMEX Research.

Business 2 October 2018

Tether bank ‘desperate for cash’: report

The financial institution backing the stablecoin Tether is in dire need of funds, according to reports. And if it doesn’t get cash soon, Tether might be in unstable position.