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Crypto analysis tools continue to improve
Business 24 September 2018

Crypto analysis tools continue to improve

Cryptocurrency ecosystem continue to evolve, so do with platform monitoring it, as the tools now are ushering a whole new suite of options to help adopters better understand the industry.

Japan's FSA reveals crypto regulation update
Business 20 September 2018

Japan’s FSA reveals crypto regulation update

The Financial Services Agency (FSA), Japan's top financial regulator, revealed that, while 160 companies are waiting in line to enter the crypto space, three cryptocurrency operators are currently being reviewed.

EOS hack leads to $58,000 theft
Business 20 September 2018

EOS hack leads to $58,000 theft

About $58,000 was stolen from token exchange Newdex, through the issuance of fake EOS tokens in the network.

China’s central bank warns public (again) against cryptos, ICOs
Business 19 September 2018

China’s central bank warns public (again) against cryptos, ICOs

the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) has issued yet another notice to remind everyone in the country against investing in cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings (ICOs) amid reports that domestic crypto activities have been flourishing recently.