Satoshi Trial
2024: Year in regulation for digital assets
In 2024, key trends in the blockchain space include global authorities focusing on regulating stablecoins, block reward mining, and enforcing...
Wright’s legal losses shift focus to BSV Blockchain’s superior technology
Craig Wright’s legal loss and his subsequent withdrawal from the limelight has removed a major impediment to people focusing on...
Craig Wright barred from further Satoshi lawsuits
The judgment contained rulings on several injunctions that were requested by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) following their victory...
Kleiman v Wright: Judge Beth Bloom rejects Ira Kleiman objection to lack of Satoshi sanctions
Judge Beth Bloom cited Kleiman's objections as "improper," noting that they had already been made before Judge Reinhart, whose order...
Craig Wright not in contempt over incomplete financial forms, US Judge Bruce Reinhart rules
Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart has ruled that Dr. Craig Wright is now in compliance with a court order demanding that...
Kleiman v Wright: Florida judge denies Ira Kleiman’s final attempt to strike new W&K lawyer
The attorney, Paul Huck, was appointed by W&K’s owners in an attempt to re-take control of the company after Kleiman...
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