Latest Origins of Bitcoin News

The origins of Bitcoin: BTC creates new protocol, BCH follows Satoshi Vision
Business 14 November 2019

The origins of Bitcoin: BTC deviates from Bitcoin protocol

BTC was already suffering from its inability to recognize how large block sizes could work on the blockchain, resulting in the birth of Bitcoin Cash (BCH)—but even this wasn’t an ideal solution and ultimately resulted in the second death of Bitcoin.

Business 13 November 2019

The origins of Bitcoin: Ethereum and ICOs

In 2016, cryptocurrency really started to gain attention on a global level. It was also the beginning of a split for Ethereum, as well as one of the darker sides of the Bitcoin ecosystem—the initial coin offering.

The origins of Bitcoin: Markets and crashes
Business 11 November 2019

The origins of Bitcoin: Markets and crashes

As Bitcoin continued to gain recognition since the first block of the cryptocurrency was established in 2009, it saw its ups and downs, just like any new innovation.

Business 10 November 2019

The origins of Bitcoin: Altcoins pop up

2011 was a landmark year in the life of Bitcoin, for more reasons than one. The first significant event took place in January that year when block 105,000 was mined.

Business 9 November 2019

The origins of Bitcoin: Markets and Pizza Day!

Looking back at what happened in 2010, it’s not difficult to find a few key activities that shaped how the cryptocurrency would start to be received as people tried to understand the technology.

The origins of Bitcoin: Before Bitcoin
Business 6 November 2019

The origins of Bitcoin: Before Bitcoin

At the dawn of the era of cryptocurrency, money is taking on a new form yet again as more investors, businesses and consumers turn to blockchain payments and technology.