Latest MiCA News

Italy - Digital asset market
Business 25 June 2024

Italy to increase oversight of digital asset market

The policy, moving Italy further towards the standards laid out by MiCA, also designates Italy's central bank and market watchdog, Consob, as the authorities overseeing digital asset activities.

Stablecoin in a microchip
Business 3 June 2024

State of play in global stablecoin regulation

Most lawmakers now believe that digital assets should be regulated in some form or another, and, as Dr. Michael Huertas suggests, stablecoins appear to be at the top of the agenda.

European Union with silver Bitcoin coins
Business 23 April 2024

EU is not so crypto-friendly, regulator warns

While much of the world is warming up with blockchain and digital currencies, laws targeting these industries in the EU signal that the region won't go easy with embracing emerging technologies.