Latest ICO News

Switzerland clamps down on banks trading in crypto: report
Business 6 November 2018

Switzerland clamps down on banks trading in crypto: report

The situation in Switzerland got a whole lot more difficult for cryptocurrency and banking in general, as the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) is getting tough on those banks who want to trade in crypto assets.

China to begin regulating airdrops
Business 6 November 2018

China to begin regulating airdrops

The country’s central bank, the People’s Bank of China (PBoC), is going to start taking a harder look at airdrops, which the bank describes as being nothing more than initial coin offerings (ICO) in disguise.

SEC enforcement report highlights ICO misconduct in United States
Business 5 November 2018

SEC enforcement report highlights ICO misconduct in United States

Although there isn’t a clear framework regarding regulation for cryptocurrencies in the United States, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has placed a considerable emphasis on the space throughout 2018, particularly on initial coin offerings (ICOs).

Be careful when considering an ICO investment
Editorial 29 October 2018

Be careful when considering an ICO investment

A report showed that ICOs, overall, are not the money-makers most people think. In fact, according to a recent study, the majority of the ICOs could potentially be considered a failure.

South Korea's FSC warns against investing in crypto funds
Business 26 October 2018

South Korea’s FSC warns against investing in crypto funds

The Financial Services Commission warned that cryptocurrency funds and mutual funds have similar structures, which may result in investors into assuming that such funds are legal investments under the South Korea’s Capital Markets Act.

BitConnect faces fresh class action lawsuit: report
Business 18 October 2018

BitConnect faces fresh class action lawsuit: report

A newly consolidated lawsuit has been filed against BitConnect, several months after several cases have been brought forth against the company's alleged fraudulent pyramid scheme at the beginning of 2018.