DXS app recovers from over 7,500 BSV exploit
The founder of DXS clarifies that the incident in March that led to the capture of 7,579 BSV was not...
C.R.E.A.M Finance exploited for over $100 million
C.R.E.A.M Finance, a DeFi lending & borrowing platform, was exploited for $115 million, making it one of the largest exploits...
Popsicle Finance exploit shows DeFi innovation is stagnant
DeFi platform 'Popsicle Finance' was exploited for $25 million, revealing that there has not been much innovation in DeFi smart...
$200 million stolen in 5 days via DeFi
In the last five days, three DeFi exploits have taken place and a total of $200 has been stolen from...
Five service providers launder a majority of digital currency
Five digital currency providers account for roughly 55% of the illicit funds transacted in the digital currency ecosystem–find out why.
Blockfolio got hacked
Blockfolio was the victim of a security breach; the attacker gained access to Blockfolio's messaging system and sent out offensive...