Vol 44.83m
Vol 104929.82m
Vol 461.53m
Vol 2323.73m
Vol 4125.37m

Dr. Craig Wright

Dr. Craig Wright explains why Bitcoin needs to be stable
22 November, 2018

Dr. Craig Wright explains why Bitcoin needs to be stable

Dr. Craig Wright explains why Bitcoin needs to be stable
After 64Mb, bComm Association scaling plan for Bitcoin (BCH SV) – 1 Gb Blocks in 12 months
22 November, 2018

After 64Mb, bComm Association scaling plan for Bitcoin (BCH SV) – 1 Gb Blocks in 12 months

After Bitcoin (BCH SV) successfully mined a record-setting 64mb block (an hour after a record-setting 38MB block) in the past

As hash war continues, Craig Wright takes care of business
19 November, 2018

As hash war continues, Craig Wright takes care of business

As hash war continues, Craig Wright takes care of business
‘Think about the game being played here’: Jimmy Nguyen tells the truth about Bitcoin BCH hash war
18 November, 2018

‘Think about the game being played here’: Jimmy Nguyen tells the truth about Bitcoin BCH hash war

'Think about the game being played here': Jimmy Nguyen tells the truth about Bitcoin BCH hash war
How DSV seeks to criminalize the Bitcoin BCH blockchain
12 November, 2018

How DSV seeks to criminalize the Bitcoin BCH blockchain

Is it possible that Jihan Wu, Roger Ver and others are hoping to criminalize the Bitcoin BCH blockchain through the

Dr. Craig Wright explains crypto burning and why it needs to stop
29 October, 2018

Dr. Craig Wright explains crypto burning and why it needs to stop

Dr. Craig Wright explains crypto burning and why it needs to stop