BSV Blockchain
26 October, 2021
Dear Raven Hart Bitcoin BSV is not bunk
In “Cryptocurrency is bunk,” Raven Hart outlines how the digital currency industry promises to liberate the monetary system, but that...
25 October, 2021
Jack C. Liu closes investment in BOEX.tv, a Perpetual Futures platform built on Bitcoin SV
The investment paves the way for possible future plans like the Relay team collaborating with BOEX to build some kind...
22 October, 2021
Bitcoin: Every sat matters
The smallest individual unit in Bitcoin is often called the “satoshi” or the “sat” for short, but does every sat...
22 October, 2021
CoinGeek Weekly Livestream with VXPASS Zach Weiner: Giving people control of their data
Zach Weiner joined Kurt Wuckert Jr. to talk about how he got started with developing and blockchain, his vision for...
21 October, 2021
MetaBot casting launches: Actual use cases for tokens
The ShowPay team launched MetaBot reminting where owners of the 1st generation MetaBots can synthesize and cast (create) new, 2nd...
21 October, 2021
Distributed GorillaPool mines largest Bitcoin transaction in history
Aside from the point that this transaction alone is bigger than the small blocks on competing Bitcoin forks, this shows...