BSV Blockchain
8 December, 2021
Dr. Eva Porras talks digital currency regulation with Women of BSV
In a recent episode of Women of BSV, guest Dr. Eva Porras shed light on a variety of topics like...
8 December, 2021
Jackson Laskey on CoinGeek Backstage: NFTY Jigs supercharges digital goods for games
Unbounded Enterprise is behind NFTY Jigs, a new kind of platform for non-fungible tokens that focuses on the creation and...
7 December, 2021
Slick, snappy and fun: Duro Dogs NFT pet game officially drops on BSV network
Users can get started for free via their HandCash wallet. By connecting the application at durodogs.com, each user will receive...
6 December, 2021
Under the Bitcoin hood: Here’s how Teranode works
Thanks to the new “whiteboard sessions” created by Murray Distributed Technologies, we are slowly learning more about Teranode and how...
6 December, 2021
EU green lights blockchain pilot for financial markets
Under a new European Union pilot program, which will likely be officially passed in Q1 or Q2 2022, some existing...
3 December, 2021
Jeffrey Baek on CoinGeek Backstage: How to send BSV on the Internet and social media
Jeffrey joined CoinGeek’s Patrick Thompson on the sidelines of the CoinGeek Conference in New York, where they talked about the...