Trump’s crypto embrace delights America, unnerves Europe
Despite expectations for major announcements, Trump's speech in New York mainly focused on criticisms of Biden and the regulatory framework...
This Week in Crypto: US prompts policy shifts, eyes CZ deal
CZ denies that his Binance.US firm is having talks of a deal with Trump; meanwhile, the U.S. crafts crypto-friendly policies...
Big banks test unified ledger concept; Fed says digital currencies can promote financial inclusion
The completion of proof of concept for the Regulated Liability Network opens doors for banks to unify their messaging and...
Who am I? How Bitcoin and banks live with the problems of identity
Bitcoin is self-regulating. Instead of central bankers or politicians deciding whether to allow more money to be created, the supply...
USDC’s Circle is becoming a commercial bank
Circle, one of the two companies behind the USDC stablecoin, has just announced that it will become a full-reserve national...
Kraken becomes world’s first digital asset bank
Kraken has just been approved by the state of Wyoming to form the world’s first Special Purpose Depository Institution (SPDI)