Vol 30.82m
Vol 15125.71m
Vol 132.99m
Vol 332.28m
Vol 1636.46m

Press Releases

캘빈 아이어와 비트코인 SV 그룹, 기관 거래소인 드라이브 마켓 지원확정
26 April, 2019

캘빈 아이어와 비트코인 SV 그룹, 기관 거래소인 드라이브 마켓 지원확정

캘빈 아이어와 비트코인 SV 그룹, 기관 거래소인 드라이브 마켓 지원확정
Ayr United announce sponsorship with Bitcoin SV (BSV): the original Bitcoin
25 April, 2019

Ayr United announce sponsorship with Bitcoin SV (BSV): the original Bitcoin

Ayr United announce sponsorship with Bitcoin SV (BSV): the original Bitcoin
Over two thirds of Europeans believe cryptocurrency is here to stay – but they have no idea what it will be used for
24 April, 2019

Over two thirds of Europeans believe cryptocurrency is here to stay – but they have no idea what it will be used for

Over two thirds of Europeans believe cryptocurrency is here to stay - but they have no idea what it will...
Calvin Ayre and Bitcoin SV Groups back institutional exchange, DRIVE Markets
22 April, 2019

Calvin Ayre and Bitcoin SV Groups back institutional exchange, DRIVE Markets

Calvin Ayre and Bitcoin SV Groups back institutional exchange, DRIVE Markets
Bitcoin SV (BSV): scaling at record levels, with more to come
19 April, 2019

Bitcoin SV (BSV): scaling at record levels, with more to come

Bitcoin SV (BSV): scaling at record levels, with more to come
Centbee, SA based Bitcoin wallet and merchant payment ecosystem raises £1 million from Ayre Ventures
17 April, 2019

Centbee, SA based Bitcoin wallet and merchant payment ecosystem raises £1 million from Ayre Ventures

Centbee, SA based Bitcoin wallet and merchant payment ecosystem raises £1 million from Ayre Ventures