Experts agree
From the catastrophic miscalculations of Chernobyl to the economic meltdown of 2008, and a few goodies in between, the lesson...
The Lightning network is dying
Over time, the small blockers' narrative about the Lightning Network being a solution to scaling Bitcoin is proving to be...
Barristers, judges and journalists: The art of the question
Viewers of the Satoshi Trial (COPA v Wright) may be focused on the answers given by witnesses on the stand,...
Clash of cultures
COPA is trying to prove that Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto, and they are doing it by trying to...
Satoshi Trial (COPA v Wright) courtroom sketch: Craig Wright feels the heat—like everyone else
This is day three of COPA vs Wright—the case that’s billed as finally proving or disproving Dr. Craig Wright’s claim...
Here we go again!
Dr. Craig Wright is back in court for the COPA trial, prepared to end the speculations surrounding his identity as...
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