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Coinsquare partners with Canadian bank
Business 2 October 2018

Coinsquare partners with Canadian bank

The crypto trading platform Coinsquare announced the new partnership with one of Canada’s “Big 5” banks, an example of a partnership between a financial institution and a crypto company in Canada.

Zebpay trading shuts down amid regulatory pressure in India
Business 1 October 2018

Zebpay trading shuts down amid regulatory pressure in India

Zebpay has ceased all digital currency-related trading on its platform, effective Sept. 28. The exchange cited the “extremely difficult” conditions that crypto-related businesses had to operate in recently as the reason behind

JVCEA to tighten crypto storage regulations
Business 1 October 2018

JVCEA to tighten crypto storage regulations in Japan

According to report, Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association (JVCEA) will establish a ceiling for the amount of digital currencies allowed to be managed online by any of the country’s crypto exchanges.

Bitcoin now a playable word in Scrabble
Business 28 September 2018

Bitcoin now a playable word in Scrabble

In yet another proof that Bitcoin has been steadily making its way towards mainstream audience, the cryptocurrency is now a playable word in Scrabble.

US court junks My Big Coin Pay’s attempt to dismiss CFTC lawsuit
Business 28 September 2018

US court junks My Big Coin Pay’s attempt to dismiss CFTC lawsuit

A court in Massachusetts has backed the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in their interpretation of virtual currencies as commodities (and thus within the regulator’s jurisdiction), in the process dismissing a petition from the My Big Coin’s promoters to have the case set aside.

Russian removes cryptocurrency from draft bill
Business 28 September 2018

Russian removes cryptocurrency from draft bill

Lawmakers in Russia now say that they hope to have a new framework for “digital financial assets” ready by fall and hope to receive approval by the end of the year.