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What’s the primary user base BSV blockchain advocates should target? Ultimately, using the Bitcoin blockchain will be as useful —and as commonplace—as today’s internet. But which sector will be the spark that fires up the rest of the world to jump on board?

Mainstream social media says it’s non-fungible token (NFT) collections and asset trading. BSV blockchain-based social media says it’s new social media economic models. “Enterprise utility” gets a lot of attention, but the topic isn’t as focused (or as exciting) to talk about. Still, the message needs to get out there. To this end, the BSV Blockchain Association (BSVA) has produced a series of e-books written by well-known BSV entrepreneur Bryan Daugherty in cooperation with the BSVA team and with technical input from SmartLedger SolutionsGorillaPool, and others.

CoinGeek spoke to Greg Ward of SmartLedger and CERTIHASH about the experience of producing the books, “selling” BSV to the enterprise market in general, and dealing with coordinated troll campaigns from rival blockchain camps.

By the way, you can check out (and download to read yourself) the entire enterprise market-focused e-book collection from the BSV Blockchain Association’s learning resources page here. Titles include:

Ward said the response from others in the BSV blockchain industry “has been fantastic from what we can tell,” adding that seeing the number of book downloads and the positive feedback they’ve received reaffirms their belief in how important these educational initiatives are.

Finding time for advocacy amongst all the hard work

Author Daugherty is one of the BSV industry’s most prolific content producers and best-known public advocates. Somehow, he manages to write all this material while juggling his multiple roles as the BSVA’s Public Affairs Director in the Americas, co-founder and Chairman of SmartLedger Solutions, as well as CERTIHASH and Proof of ESG, open-letter writer, and regular testifier before congressional committees.

“I’ve always been amazed at Bryan’s dedication and the hours he pours into these projects,” Ward said. “Our collective passion for BSV is what fuels us. And while we do have our hands full, the synergy within our team is truly our strength. We push each other, share ideas, and the end result is invariably richer for it.”

It takes a lot of time and effort to build up the kind of knowledge required to understand (a) why Bitcoin/BSV’s scalable blockchain is the world’s best data-management solution and (b) translate this knowledge into formats those outside the industry can understand. Ultimately, it’s their acceptance and adoption of BSV that will make all this knowledge and experience useful.

Ward also thanked the BSVA and others who contributed their vast array of knowledge to the book series:

“Bryan has been the primary driving force behind much of the content, and his passion is evident in every page. I’ve had the privilege of working alongside him, with our SmartLedger team contributing in terms of research, collaboration, and adding bits of original content here and there. We also tapped into the vast expertise within the BSV ecosystem. A notable mention would be Kurt Wuckert Jr. from GorillaPool Mining, who brought a wealth of knowledge to our Miner Economics e-book. This collaborative approach ensures that our content is both comprehensive and insightful.”

How interesting is enterprise data?

Marketing BSV blockchain’s message to the enterprise world can be a tough sell due to the reasons mentioned above. “A better way to manage data” doesn’t always have sex appeal, even in the business market. It will still require a huge knowledge boost and a long transition period; the world won’t simply “switch” to blockchain and BSV in a week.

And looking around on Twitter, it seems most people are still only interested in blockchain and digital assets for speculative trading. This topic dominates the conversation as much as NFT art dominates user avatars.

“While NFTs and games have made an impact, we at SmartLedger have always seen the broader picture of scalable blockchain utility,” Ward added.

“BSV’s potential in the enterprise domain is vast. It’s a different situation marketing to this audience, especially against the backdrop of consumer-centric narratives on social media. But we’re optimistic it will be given its place to shine. As the enterprise sector starts understanding BSV’s capabilities, we expect a significant shift in their direction.”

Then, of course, there’s the trolls. They inevitably pop up in an attempt to wreck any sensible dialog about blockchain’s merits as soon as the letters “BSV” are uttered. Although these coordinated negativity campaigns appear ubiquitous on social media, Ward noted it’s usually a different scene in the more pragmatic business world.

“Skepticism is part and parcel of any groundbreaking tech. We do encounter our fair share of critics. However, in more professional settings, the discourse tends to be more balanced, with a focus on the technical merits and potential applications of BSV. We embrace these discussions as they often lead to valuable insights and improvements.”

Watch: BSV entrepreneurs prove Bitcoin works with their applications with Calvin Ayre

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