While the recent legal drama may have dampened the mood, sCrypt's Xiaohui Liu reminds the BSV community that BSV remains...
In this sCrypt Hackathon 2024 kickoff session, 1Sat Ordinals developer David Case explains how inscribing single satoshi units with NFT...
On Day 1 of sCrypt Hackathon 2024, sCrypt Co-Founder Xiaohui Liu tackles the basics of Bitcoin and why the world...
In this new chapter for BSV blockchain, the message is clear: the true measure of the blockchain's value lies not...
Registration for the Hackathon is free and still open. Just visit sCrypt's website to register and read the sCrypt Hackathon...
The sCrypt Hackathon will officially take place on March 25, but an introductory presentation was held at San Francisco's Fairmont...