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Kleiman v Wright Day 5 recap
Business 6 November 2021

Kleiman v Wright Day 5 recap: What kind of guy is Craig Wright?

Day 5 of the Kleiman v Wright trial homed in on the question, what kind of guy was an is Dr. Craig Wright? But before that became a cornerstone of the day, defense counsel Andres Rivero finished his cross examination of Ira Kleiman.

13th Anniversary Bitcoin Whitepaper
Editorial 31 October 2021

People died for Bitcoin: A white paper story

On the 13th anniversary of the Bitcoin whitepaper, there is a more solemn history to recall and recount. Stories that deserve to be told are not often told because they are inconvenient, frustrating or outdated to modern sensibilities.

Business 26 October 2021

Kleiman v Wright: How much money are we talking here?

There’s a staggering amount of money at stake, something made more fascinating by the fact that the defendant isn’t a multi-billion-dollar company forking out over an oil spill: rather, the defendant is one man: inventor of Bitcoin.