Hosted by Michal Glijer and Robert Rice, Zetly's latest series tackles the fusion of technology and sports, an introduction to...
Michael Glijer and Robert Rice announced their partnership in August 2022, and since then, the pair have been working on...
Insiders and technology builders gathered at the World Football Summit in Sevilla, Spain, to visualize the cutting-edge innovations that could...
In this CoinGeek Discussions, HandCash's Alex Agut, Omniscape's Robert Rice, BSV Blockchain Association's Todd Price, and Kurt Wuckert Jr. discussed...
Joining a panel on 'Global Reach and Monetization with Web 3 and Metaverse Digital Twins' at the World Football Summit...
Transmira and Zetly have partnered with World Football Summit, with Robert Rice among the speakers at the renowned summit; he...