French regulator: Too early to classify digital currency assets precisely
The Autorité des Marchés Financiers set out its views in response to a consultation process led by the European Commission.
FATF praises US regulators, but calls for more legislation
The U.S. has improved their overall rating slightly, but could still do more to raise the bar on digital asset...
Russia delays digital currency law amid coronavirus pandemic
Russia has postponed its digital currency law yet again, this time blaming the coronavirus pandemic that has slowed down legislative...
Crypto Foxtrades, COINMALEX not authorized in Malta: regulator
Crypto Foxtrades and COINMALEX are not “licensed, registered or domiciled” in Malta, despite the firms’ claims to the contrary.
Indian Parliament probing suspect ‘Bitcoin businesses’
An investigation into dubious digital currency businesses in India is underway.
Russia central bank calls digital currency circulation ‘unjustified risk’
Alexey Guznov, head of legal at the central bank, said the latest draft of the bill will outlaw circulation and...
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