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Netflix on an imac
Tech 14 December 2021

Streaming services via the Bitcoin protocol

A recent sCrypt article discusses how to facilitate streaming services using the Bitcoin protocol. This is not streaming large movie data on-chain but leverages the incentive and accountability aspects of the protocol and ledger itself.

TY Everett
Interviews 9 December 2021

Ty Everett: Building a better internet

Speaking on this week’s CoinGeek Conversations, Ty Everett describes how Project Babbage will provide an interface between users and the apps and services they use, an interface which stores each person’s identity and online history.

Dynamic ecosystem
Editorial 15 October 2021

BSV as a dynamic ecosystem

One of the key features of Bitcoin SV which allows it to adapt and thrive without the need for administrators is the fact that it doesn’t try to do anything besides the basic task of being a public traceable indelible record keeper.