Brendan Lee: How to use a digital signature to show control of a Bitcoin address
On this week’s CoinGeek Conversations, Charles Miller has re-enlisted the help of Brendan Lee to help him get to the...
Crypto wallet update scam nets criminals more than millions
Cybercriminals are reportedly tricking owners of Electrum wallets into installing malware so they can steal user funds, according to reports.
Hackers steal over $22 million via Electrum wallet
According to an investigation by ZDNet, hackers stole over $22 million (1,980 BTC) via the Electrum wallet from 2019-2020. The
Over 150,000 machines used to DDoS Electrum wallets
Over 150,000 machines used to DDoS Electrum wallets
Sophisticated botnet attacks Electrum stealing millions of dollars
Sophisticated botnet attacks Electrum stealing millions of dollars
Fake YouTube ad for Electrum leads to malware site
Fake YouTube ad for Electrum leads to malware site
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