Decentralized Finance
How to build an NFT game without selling out
For a game to develop real value, players must have an equal balance and skill component as a factor of...
What is happening beyond the crypto noise?
The current BSV blockchain infrastructure is fully ready for Web3, NFTs and DeFi applications with a true L1 decentralized model...
Decentralization, a widely misunderstood concept
Decentralization has taken the context of Bitcoin, blockchain and Web3, but it also caused misconceptions that Bitcoin or any blockchain...
Ethereum ‘stablecoin’ Bean goes from $1 to 19 cents after yet another code exploit
Ethereum-based stablecoin "Bean," from the Beanstalk Farms DeFi platform, proved not-so-stable this week as an attacker exploited code in a...
South Korean exchanges begin a new Travel Rule era, with DeFi and NFTs taking biggest hit
All South Korean exchanges now adhere to the FATF Travel Rule, with transfers above $821 being flagged as DeFi and...
Blockchain, bitcoin, money, currency and token
Depending on the context, the word “blockchain” refers to the system that is used to create such a chain of...
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