Latest BTC News

Business 3 May 2022

Open source and liability

Some individuals in the "cryptocurrency space" are promoting false beliefs that open-source software is free and has no copyright, and devs don't have liability for the software they are developing.

gold and silver coin of bitcoin
Editorial 30 April 2022

The moral sentiments of Bitcoin

The moral sentiments of BTC or BSV or any other digital currencies must be closely measured according to their actual utility, not mere narratives, propaganda, or aspirations.

award trophy
Editorial 28 April 2022

How Bitcoin won the race…

Many falsely believe that Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is not encrypted. It is the first digital cash system that presents cleartext and is completely traceable.

wifi bar
Editorial 26 April 2022

The King’s Wi-Fi

The GSE cohort needed to crack the ‘King’s Wi-Fi’ and using AirSnort, Aircrack-ng, WEPCrack, etc., we could break into the network before being discovered as a demonstration of a pen-testing exercise.

decentralization in search bar
Editorial 20 April 2022

Decentralization, a widely misunderstood concept

Decentralization has taken the context of Bitcoin, blockchain and Web3, but it also caused misconceptions that Bitcoin or any blockchain must restrict its scalability to be ‘decentralized.’