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第2天的CoinGeek直播大会上,Fundstrat Global Advisors执行合伙人兼研究主管Thomas Lee以及Fundstrat总监兼首席数字资产策略师David Grider在纽约登上虚拟舞台。


在演讲开头,Thomas Lee提到,2020年出现的经济状态及其对市场造成的影响可谓百年一遇。





在将舞台交给David Grider之前,Lee表示我们已看到机构投资者对数字货币感兴趣的迹象,并引用Paul Tudor Jones近期购买比特币以及其他几个例子作为佐证。





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CoinGeek Live: Fundstrat discusses current status of blockchain, digital currency economy

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Managing partner and head of research at Fundstrat Global Advisors Thomas Lee as well as director and lead digital asset strategist at Fundstrat David Grider took the stage on Day 2 of CoinGeek Live in New York.

Lee and Grider gave the first keynote presentation of the day. Their talk explored the current status of the blockchain and digital currency economy as well as what the Fundstrat team finds unique and appealing about BSV.

To kick off their presentation, Thomas Lee mentioned that 2020 has created economic conditions and impacted the market in a way that we will most likely never see again in our lifetime.

“2020 is a year that I don’t think any of us should ever expect to see again in our lifetime,” said Lee. “I think it’s worse than a science fiction movie because we have a global pandemic that killed one million people and counting, and this is the first time that the entire global economy essentially went through a coordinated shutdown.”

For those reasons among many others, we can’t overlook the black swan events that directly impacted the digital currency markets.

Regardless, Lee said the digital currency markets performed well and that BSV outperformed BTC year to date. 

On top of that, Lee discussed an element of the blockchain and digital currency economies that we should not overlook, especially if we are approaching the space as investors: digital currencies are still correlated with the S&P 500. As much as they have shined in a year of crisis, digital currencies are still highly correlated to “risk-on” assets.

Before turning the stage over to David Grider, Lee says we have seen signs that institutional investors are interested in digital currencies, and cited Paul Tudor Jones‘ recent purchase as proof among a few other examples.

Afterward, Grider, who leads the digital asset research business at Fundstrat, took the stage and told the audience about the role Fundstrat plays in terms of being the bridge between Wall Street and digital currencies.


Grider went on to talk about how the Genesis protocol update was a monumental turning point for BSV, how BSV’s unbounded scalability competes with services such as Visa, and how BSV’s low transaction fees can change the world and the way the internet and many other industries operate thanks to the micropayments that it enables. He also quickly touched on the unique and interesting use cases being developed on the Bitcoin SV protocol.

Watch Fundstrat’s keynote presentation at CoinGeek Live.

New to blockchain? Check out CoinGeek’s Blockchain for Beginners section, the ultimate resource guide to learn more about blockchain technology.