
Bitcoin Suisse研究显示为什么BSV被低估

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Bitcoin Suisse最近对原始比特币(BSV)进行了深入的研究。该研究透彻探索了比特币,并指出“有必要翻阅社交媒体驱动的烟幕,并关注目前在比特币SV中发生的各种进展”。



“比特币中本聪愿景是市值(不包括泰达币)第五大的加密货币,于2018年11月15日,以556,766 区块数作为比特币现金(BTC 的分叉)被创建。”



自问世以来,BSV在b2b和b2c空间都取得了许多发展。从来自RelayXFloat SV的创新面向消费者的产品,到面向软件开发人员的工具(如sCrypt),到允许用户赚取收入的社交媒体网络(如Twetch),比特币网络自创建之日起就取得了重长进展。

“创世硬分叉,以及其他改变,恢复了比特币脚本语言中的OP_RETURN功能,允许它提早终止脚本。此外,在BTC中常用于多重签名钱包的脚本哈希支付(P2SH)不再用作新输出的选项。BSV的最后一个硬分叉将称为‘Chronicle(纪事)’,并标志着回到比特币的原始难度调整算法(每2,016区块),而不是从BCH继承的,根据前144个区块的移动平均线调整每个区块的难度…迄今为止,BSV上挖出的最大区块是256 MB,并在2019年7月的一次主网压力测试中被添加到链上。从长远来看,目标是生成太字节大小的区块,并克服可能出现的传播问题。”

创世协议升级将比特币协议恢复到“尽可能接近”其在2009年投入使用时的原始设计。在众多改变中,创世硬分叉删除了P2SH以及区块大小限制。创世升级还恢复了原来的比特币脚本语言。自创世以来,BSV 网络不断看到超过5MB大小的区块。BSV的最后一次升级网络将是“纪事”升级,它将把难度算法恢复到每2,016区块进行调整。


现在,BTC已经经历奖励减半,而BTC区块奖励从12.5降至6.25,区块奖励本身不足以让许多BTC 矿工维持正向现金流。话虽如此,矿工们很可能将他们的哈希能力指向一个利润更高、拥有大量交易和交易费的链,而不是完全关闭他们的挖矿硬件。BSV放眼成为该链;通过删除区块大小限制,成就可能的区块大小和其带来的无限费用。


Bitcoin Suisse进行的一项研究正文很好地进行了总结了一切,然而,我们对其结论中的一部分无法苟同:



事实上,BSV 的两个超能力,微支付和公共区块链上不可变的数据存储方面所向无敌,因为它是唯一可大规模扩容,并且此扩容是受到专利保护的。所有需要企业级扩容的应用程序开发只能在BSV上工作

BTC 网络不会尝试执行这些操作,因为自从核心开发人员更改了其核心协议以来,BTC上就不可能实现这些事情。众所周知,BTC网络在网络遇到大量流量时具有高昂的交易费;这使得BTC不适用于微支付。此外,BTC区块大小限制防堵用户轻松将数据写入和存储到BTC区块链。



Bitcoin Suisse在结论中正确的是,当你回顾充斥社交媒体和加密货币出版物与BSV对立的揶揄和人身攻击时,你就会意识到你有一个区块链,每天都会有真正的价值添加到链上,这绝对值得您做出进一步的了解。

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Bitcoin Suisse research shows why BSV is undervalued

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Recent research from Bitcoin Suisse took a deep dive into the original Bitcoin (BSV). The research thoroughly explored Bitcoin and stated that “it is worth to take a look through the social media-driven smokescreen and pay attention to the diverse developments happening right now” in Bitcoin SV.

Why Bitcoin is valuable

We encourage you to read the full research report, but here are a few excerpts from the research that show why there is so much value in BSV and that indicates why Bitcoin SV is currently undervalued:

“Bitcoin Satoshi Vision, the fifth largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization (excluding Tether), was created as a fork of Bitcoin Cash (which is a fork of BTC) on November 15, 2018 at block number 556766.”

Contrary to media reports, BTC and BCH both forked away from the original Bitcoin protocol by making changes to Satoshi’s design, and it is only Bitcoin SV that has continued the original Bitcoin protocol. BTC developers forked off in August 1, 2017 when they integrated Segregated Witness into their node software, while BCH protocol developers deviated from Bitcoin’s original design when they integrated Canonical Transaction Ordering (CTOR) and OP_checkdatasig into their node software on November 15, 2018—this is why they’re no longer considered Bitcoin.

“Since Bitcoin Satoshi Vision came into existence in November 2018, a lot has happened on the chain, from the establishment of decentralized social media to simplified payment solutions.”

Since its creation, BSV has seen a lot of development in both the b2b and b2c space. From innovative consumer-facing products coming from RelayX and Float SV to tools aimed at software developers like sCrypt to social media networks that allow users to earn revenue like Twetch, the Bitcoin network has made great strides since the day it was created.

“The Genesis hard fork, among other changes, restored the functionality of OP_RETURN in the Bitcoin scripting language, which allows it to terminate scripts early. Additionally, pay-to-script-hash (P2SH), which is often used in BTC for multi-signature wallets, is no longer available as an option for new outputs. BSV’s last hard fork will be called Chronicle and mark the move back to Bitcoin’s original difficulty adjustment algorithm (every 2016 blocks) instead of the one inherited from BCH, which adjusts the difficulty for each block based on a moving average of block times in the last 144 blocks… The largest block mined so far on BSV was 256 MB large and was added to the chain in July 2019 during a mainnet stress test. In the long run, the goal is to produce terabyte-sized blocks and overcome potential propagation issues that might arise.”

The Genesis protocol upgrade restored the Bitcoin protocol back to ‘as close as possible’ to the original design when it went live in 2009. Among the changes, the Genesis hard fork removed P2SH as well as block size limits. The Genesis upgrade also restored the original Bitcoin script language. Since Genesis, the BSV network continually sees blocks over 5MB in size. The final upgrade to the BSV network will be the Chronicle upgrade, which will restore the difficulty algorithm to an adjustment every 2016 blocks.

“This scalability approach also has the longer-term goal to shift miner revenues from block rewards to transaction fees. While in BTC, individual transactions are supposed to become more valuable to the user, e.g. opening a channel in the Lightning Network that could then be used many times, BSV is instead focusing on growing the overall transaction volume to increase revenues from fees…The new model of viewing miners as transaction processors means that miners have predefined volume-based contracts with parties that are interested in conducting a lot of transactions each day.”

Now that the BTC halving has taken place and the BTC block reward was reduced from 12.5 to 6.25, the block reward alone will not be enough for many BTC miners to stay cash-flow positive. That being said, instead of shutting off their mining hardware completely, miners will most likely point their hash power at a chain that is more profitable and rich with transactions and transaction fees. BSV focuses on being that chain; by removing the block size limit, which makes the potential block sizes and their accompanying fees limitless.

In conclusion

The body of the research conducted by Bitcoin Suisse is very well put together, however, there is one element of the Bitcoin Suisse conclusion that we do not agree with:

“Overall, the direction that BSV takes for its base layer – e.g. aiming to serve as a regulatory compliant infrastructure provider for big corporations – compared to BTC strongly reflects the different mindset between the two communities…In spite of the ongoing, at times heated and unconstructive discussion of which approach is “better”…it is worth taking a look through the social media-driven smokescreen and paying attention to the diverse developments happening right now. In the end, the free market will be the judge of how to value each concept.”

The reason we do not agree with the conclusion is because BTC and BSV do not compete. 

In fact, BSV really has no competitors for its two super powers—micropayments and immutable data storage on a public blockchain—because it’s the only one that massively scales and this scaling is patent protected.  All application development that needs enterprise level scaling can only work on BSV.

The BTC network does not try to do these things, because these things are not possible on BTC ever since the Core developers changed the underlining protocol. The BTC network is known to have high transaction fees at times where the network experiences a significant amount of traffic; this makes BTC unsuitable for micropayments. In addition, the BTC block size limit prevents users from easily writing and storing data to the BTC blockchain.

The BTC network does not have businesses or consumers using it every day and trying to create more value on top of it. Instead, individuals tend to use BTC as a speculative financial instrument that they hope will appreciate in value without them putting in any utility. And by the looks of it, BTC has no plans to change that. This shows why BSV and BTC are not as similar or in competition as many people (wrongfully) think they are.

It is a mistake to compare BSV to other platforms that have no interest or ability to scale and service these two massive global markets. BSV owns this space globally now—and is unstoppable as a result.  No amount of mudslinging can change this fact and the community of bright young developers and entrepreneurs who understand this is big enough and growing fast enough that all the FUD does is slow things down a bit as some are temporarily confused. This is over now and BSV won already in its two targeted areas with its two super powers.

What Bitcoin Suisse did get right in their conclusion, is that when you look past the banter and ad-hominem against BSV that floods social media and cryptocurrency publications, you will realize that you have a blockchain, where real value is being added to the chain each and every day—that is more than worth it to take a look at.

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