Latest Satoshi Nakamoto News

Bitcoin image with dark background
Editorial 15 January 2024

Satoshi’s secret in the Genesis block

While the answer to the mysterious transaction in the Genesis block has yet to be revealed, the technicalities of how the block and transaction were made only cement Satoshi as the one behind them.

CG - Seasonal Campaigns - First Bitcoin Transaction
Events 12 January 2024

The first Bitcoin transaction: 15 years later

Fifteen years ago, the first Bitcoin transaction was recorded on chain, opening the world to the endless possibilities of an electronic peer-to-peer cash system that Satoshi Nakamoto has designed.

Dr. Craig Wright interview with Adam Paigge
Business 11 January 2024

Satoshi Nakamoto on CBDCs

Dr. Craig Wright, aka Satoshi Nakamoto, was interviewed by Adam Paigge of Supernova Labs, and they covered CBDCs, BSV blockchain, the importance of a scalable public blockchain, and more.

Bitcoin SV 2024 predictions
Editorial 9 January 2024

A glimpse into the future of Bitcoin

2024 rings in new hurdles for Bitcoin, with a new civil war likely erupting, all while giving ample space for silver linings such as the launch of Teranode and the steady fight for Satoshi's vision.

Bitcoin's 15th birthday
Events 9 January 2024

Happy 15th Birthday, Bitcoin!

On Bitcoin's 15th birthday, Satoshi's vision for a scalable electronic cash system is alive and thriving—the BSV blockchain is the original Bitcoin, and it is scaling to levels Dr. Craig Wright always said were possible.

Dr. Craig Wright walking outside of a building
Business 8 January 2024

The key in COPA v. Wright

Before the upcoming trial in February 2024, the Crypto Open Patent Alliance might craft arguments to cause confusion on Satoshi Nakamoto's identity, and among them may be done by arguing that Wright is not Satoshi.

bitcoin and crypto hologram illustration
Business 22 December 2023

The best Bitcoin insights by Joshua Henslee in 2023

As the Bitcoin and blockchain space continues to develop, Joshua Henslee gives viewers updates and his view of what's to come, and here's a list of some of the most significant developments in 2023.