Is mBridge linked to the long-awaited BRICS payment solution?
A week after the BRICS Summit in Kazan, the BIS handed over the mBridge cross-border settlement system to the central...
China strikes deal with Kazakhstan on cross-border CBDC
With an ambition to transform the cross-border payments ecosystem, China partners with Kazakhstan in exploring CBDCs, which comes at the...
Hong Kong, France to explore cross-border CBDCs outside of mBridge
Both Hong Kong and France will explore the interoperability of their wholesale CBDC systems via a regulatory sandbox to strengthen...
Tencent to participate in mBridge MVP
Through its domestic payments platform, Tenpay Global, Tencent has been testing mBridge payments for e-commerce exports and will participate in...
Eurosystem announces 48 participants in DLT trials
For the upcoming trials in July, DLT operators, comprising 48 private firms, will pilot cross-border and PvP transactions in an...
IMF’s work on CBDCs and digital currencies is straining its budget
The IMF has suggested it may reduce its output frequency, provide lighter analysis and give general policy advice, adding that...
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