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Ledger won’t compensate users affected by data leak: CEO
31 December, 2020

Ledger won’t compensate users affected by data leak: CEO

Given the magnitude of the hack, CEO Pascal Gauthier reportedly saying paying off the affected users will sink Ledger financially.
Hackers publish 1 million pieces of Ledger customer data
21 December, 2020

Hackers publish 1 million pieces of Ledger customer data

Over 1 million pieces of Ledger hardware wallet user’s personal identification information has been published on RaidForums, a marketplace for

Trezor warns of phishing attack targeting users
20 December, 2020

Trezor warns of phishing attack targeting users

The company said the attackers claim a user’s wallet has been disabled, before redirecting to a clone site to steal...
Phishing scam targets Ledger wallet users—again
2 November, 2020

Phishing scam targets Ledger wallet users—again

Cyber criminals have allegedly launched a phishing attack targeting users of the Ledger hardware wallet.
2 Ledger Nano exploits reported in single week
7 August, 2020

2 Ledger Nano exploits reported in single week

The disclosure comes shortly after it was discovered that Ledger suffered a breach in which 1 million customer data was...
Ledger wallet breach sees 1M customer data stolen
31 July, 2020

Ledger wallet breach sees 1M customer data stolen

Ledger learned about the incident on July 14 when a researcher participating in its bounty program discovered the data breach.