Latest ICO News

Think tank proposes EU-level regulation of crypto exchanges, ICOs
Business 6 September 2018

Think tank proposes EU-level regulation of crypto exchanges, ICOs

In an apparent step towards tighter control of the cryptocurrency industry, Brussels-based think tank Bruegel has proposed better European Union (EU)-level regulation for cryptocurrency exchanges and clearer rules on initial coin offerings (ICOs).

British baroness caught with pants down as ICO flops
Business 5 September 2018

British baroness caught with pants down as ICO flops

Equi Capital, the latest venture of English lingerie baroness who goes by the outlandish title of Lady Mone of Mayfair or Baroness Michelle Mone, has been accused by bounty hunters of short changing them by paying them next to nothing to promote her product.

China’s crypto promotion ban expands beyond Beijing
Business 31 August 2018

China’s crypto promotion ban expands beyond Beijing

Crypto events were banned in Beijing’s Chaoyang district earlier in the month. According to local press, this ban has now been extended to Guangzhou’s Development District, moving beyond Beijing for the first time.