Vol 63.06m
Vol 115894.67m
Vol 598.69m
Vol 1999.37m
Vol 6912.03m


Two Israeli scammers arrested over alleged Bitfinex hack
24 June, 2019

Two Israeli scammers arrested over alleged Bitfinex hack

Two Israeli scammers arrested over alleged Bitfinex hack
Bitfinex outage temporarily shuts down withdrawals and deposits
3 June, 2019

Bitfinex outage temporarily shuts down withdrawals and deposits

Bitfinex outage temporarily shuts down withdrawals and deposits
Tether’s treasury moves a serious amount of funds
22 May, 2019

Tether’s treasury moves a serious amount of funds

Tether's treasury moves a serious amount of funds
Crypto exchanges see more output than input
17 May, 2019

Crypto exchanges see more output than input

Crypto exchanges see more output than input
Bitfinex, Tether turn to court for funds restrictions reprieve
15 May, 2019

Bitfinex, Tether turn to court for funds restrictions reprieve

Bitfinex, Tether turn to court for funds restrictions reprieve
Bitfinex scandal reveals need for real audits of crypto exchanges
13 May, 2019

Bitfinex scandal reveals need for real audits of crypto exchanges

Bitfinex scandal reveals the need for real audits of crypto exchanges